My main OS is Windows 11 and I love Android.
My tech stack includes the following:
Languages: (WEB)-> Python, HTML (with Jinja2), CSS, JavaScript, SQL, (Linux)-> SED, AWK, BASH, (Version-control)-> git, (Misc)-> Markdown, Latex.
Databases: SQLite3, PostgreSQL, Redis.
Flask, SQLAlchemy, Flask-Login, Flask-Security, Flask CORS, Flask Bootstrap, Flask-restful, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn,
PyMuPDF, PyPDF, Base64, BytesIO etc.
Editor I love-> VS Code.
Linux editors I love-> Vim, Nano, GEdit (UI).
Stuff I "have tinkered with" / use:
Directus, Budibase, Origami Studio, iMovie, Affinity Suite (Photo, Designer and Publisher),
MS Office (+ Access), Clipchamp, Inkscape.
(Linux Distros)-> Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Vanila OS, Zorin, Puppy Linux, Pop OS.
(Utilities)-> WSL, DB Browser, DBeaver CE.
(CMS)-> Wix, Wordpress, Shopify, Squarespace.
(Payment Gateways)-> RazorPay.
(Productivity tools)-> Trello, Google Calendar and Tasks. (Knowledge Management)-> Obsidian, Anki.